Dripping River Water


Back to my blog September 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Maceo Cabrera Estevez @ 3:59 am

My showers are now taken after 8pm.  This is after the baby is asleep.  I am able to wash my hair, shave my legs.  Lately, I have been taking baths.  I light candles and listen to Sade.  I was not one of the people who posted about the beauty of her concert.  I was probably asleep.

Someone asked me why I haven’t been writing on my blog.  It’s not that I don’t have time.  I can squeeze in a half an hour if I let myself.  It’s that I am no longer alone.  My life is not just about me.  I have a family with good moments and hard ones.  I don’t know how to write about what is going on when I am not the only one involved.

Right now I will stick to light things like, my son has the cutest spaces between his teeth.  So, does his father.  I remember wanting to stick my tongue between the gaps of his teeth when I first met him.  But I am Muslim and I do not do such things on first meetings.

My days are long and at the end of them I can not speak.  If I do it is to say, I can’t talk right now.  Every moment I want to complain I think to myself, I appreciate that I have a family I really hated being alone. I think, everything is temporary even feeling so tired.  One day, maybe this weekend, I will take a long nap with my son cuddled in my arms and I will wake up all refreshed.

el fín.